Ahlan Alexandria
El-Ghorfa El-Togaria St., El-Manshia 8, Alexandria, Egypt
Ahlan Alexandria
La langue arabe s’est développée autour de terres historiquement à cheval sur plusieurs continents, océans, montagnes et déserts qui sont désormais connus sous le nom de « monde arabe ». Allant de l’océan Atlantique à travers Rabat, jusqu’à l’océan Indien à travers la ville côtière de Muscat, entourée de la Méditerranée, la mer Rouge et le golfe Persique, le Monde arabe fait office de pont entre différents mondes. Entre ces mers résident quelque 300 millions de personnes dans 22 pays, qui partagent une certaine identité arabe. Linguistiquement, l’arabe standard moderne (MSA) relie tous ces pays et populations ensemble, car ils partagent et acceptent ce coeur de la langue arabe écrite. Cependant, avec des terres si étendues et diversifiées, exposées par les complexités et le charme de l’histoire arabe, le développement et le caractère de chacun de ces pays sont très différents et se distinguent de tous ses congénères arabes, laissant évoluer chaque langue locale selon ses propres valeurs et traditions. Autour de l’arabe standard moderne (MSA) quasi universellement parlé, le monde arabe contient également une pléthore de dialectes parlés locaux dans leur propre contexte.
Ahlan world offre différents cours d’arabe dialectal parlés qui varient selon la localisation du centre choisi. Par exemple, Ahlan Jordanie offre des cours de dialecte jordanien, tandis que Ahlan Alexandrie propose des cours de dialecte égyptien, les deux cours étant différents l’un de l’autre et de l’Arabe Moderne Standard.
Arabe dialectal – 10 heures par semaine, cours donné par des instructeurs formés et professionnels. Groupe de 2 à 8 étudiants en fonction de la demande.
Cours pour Résidents
Personnalisés, adaptés à votre emploi du temps et à votre emploi du temps, les cours pour les résidents sont souvent dispensés le soir, entre 18h00 et 20h00, deux fois par semaine. Toutefois, des cours privés peuvent également être dispensés selon les besoins de chaque étudiant. À titre d’exemple, nous pouvons organiser des cours de MSA et/ou de dialectes pendant le déjeuner ou avant le début de la journée de travail.
Les cours Ahlan pour résidents présentent de nombreux avantages, principalement celui de la flexibilité. Plutôt que de suivre un chemin unique et rigide vers l’apprentissage de la langue, les cours sont individualisés pour répondre aux besoins de chaque élève. De cette manière, une approche plus grammaticale, davantage organisée autour de l’acquisition de vocabulaire, ou d’expressions sera privilégiée.
Écouter, parler, prononciation, lecture, rédaction, vocabulaire, grammaire et activités
You can choose from the following class times:
L'emploi du temps du cours peut changer selon la disponibilité et la saison.
Moyenne | 3 étudiants |
Maximum | 8 étudiants |
Tranche d'âge | 18 ans et plus |
Moyenne | 23 ans (25 en été) |
L’arabe est une langue magnifique et dynamique qui vaut la peine d’être étudiée. Outre les leçons avec nos enseignants chevronnés, l’institut organise également plusieurs activités qui permettent de pratiquer l’exercice de l’arabe. Il y plusieurs façons d’augmenter ses compétences linguistiques : des excursions à l’extérieur de la ville, des visites aux sites historiques et aux marchés traditionnels (souks), des échanges linguistiques et culturels, etc. Il ne faut pas oublier l’importance d’aller à la rencontre des gens et de se faire des amis égyptiens.
Peu importe votre niveau, Ahlan-Égypte vous encourage à adopter la langue arabe et à pratiquer à parler et à lire la langue à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur des cours.
Tout au long de l’année, nous offrons des cours individuels et des cours de groupe (40 ou 60 heures).
Chez Ahlan-Égypte, nous enseignons l’arabe standard moderne et l’arabe dialectal égyptien.
Notre équipe est formée d’enseignants professionnels et chevronnés, dont l’arabe est la langue maternelle, et qui sont spécialisés dans l’enseignement de l’arabe aux non-arabophones.
Durant chaque cours, l’étudiant a l’occasion de découvrir des différents styles d’enseignement auprès de nos professeurs.
Bien sûr, les leçons d’arabe standard moderne et d’arabe dialectal égyptien utilisent plusieurs méthodes d’enseignement, dont l’étude de la grammaire, la technologie, la littérature, la poésie, la musique et le cinéma.
Chaque leçon dure entre 2 et 3 heures, dépendamment du cours. Il y une pause au milieu de la leçon et du thé est fourni gratuitement durant la pause.
S’il y a seulement une personne dans un niveau, nous préférons organiser des cours de tutorat privés plutôt que de placer l’étudiant dans un niveau plus haut ou plus bas. Les cours de tutorat privés seront donnés à chaque jour : 1h30 de tutorat pour l’arabe standard moderne et 1h de tutorat pour l’arabe dialectal égyptien.
Vous avez également le choix de choisir un cours intensif d’arabe standard moderne en vous inscrivant au cours Extra Linguistic Activities en plus des cours réguliers. Ce cours intensif ajoute deux heures de leçons à votre journée, où vous prenez part à des activités linguistiques, des jeux et des conversations en arabe. Vous aurez donc 10 heures de cours par semaine. Ce cours est seulement offert aux étudiants qui suivent déjà un cours d’arabe standard moderne régulier, sauf les étudiants débutants.
En cas de jour férié, les heures de cours manqués seront reprises à travers des cours supplémentaires avant ou après le jour férié, SAUF pour Eid el Fitr et Eid al Adha. Une remise sera effectuée sur le prix total du cours pour ces jours fériés (eid el fitr et eid al adha).
Des experts professionnels offrent des cours de calligraphie, de communication, de journalisme et de traduction au cœur de la capitale de l’Égypte.
Des visites guidées de sites touristiques à l’extérieur de la ville sont également organisées, afin d’en apprendre plus sur l’histoire et l’héritage de l’Égypte. Ces visites sont une forme de tourisme responsable et durable.
L’institut a 3 branches : à Alexandrie, au Caire et à Louxor. L’école d’Alexandrie, la perle de la Méditerrannée, est située au centre historique de la ville, au premier étage d’un bâtiment ancien avec vue sur mer. L’école au Caire se situe également dans un emplacement magnifique, dans le Caire historique, entre Khan el Kalili (le plus grand souk au Moyen Orient) et Bab el Nasr. L’école de Louxor est située au centre de la ville, près du fameux souk.
Tous les instituts disposent de climatisation et d’accès internet sans fil gratuit pour les étudiants.
Le mélange d'âge et de nationalité à Ahlan Alexandria varie selon la periode de l'année, les cours et les niveaux différent. Pendant l'année, la moyenne d'âge est de 23 ans. Pendant l'été, la moyenne d'âge est de 25 ans.
Alexandrie est une ville d’environ 6 millions d’habitants, c’est une ville silencieuse, confortable, et au coeur chaud. Les difficultés sont rares et ni les locaux ni l’Etat n’ont pour habitude de poser aux touristes des soucis. Tous les gens que vous rencontrerez seront plus qu’heureux de vous aider dans n’importe quelle situation. Déambuler dans le souk, boire un jus dans l’un des cafés bordant la mer, manger un délicieux plat de poisson au dîner, visiter les anciens monuments Greco-Romains, les mosquées merveilleuses, et étudier dans la magnifique nouvelle Bibliothèque d’Alexandrie sont quelques-unes des activités que vous pouvez experimenter dans cette ville unique.
I loved my stay in Ahlan and Alexandria.
I took a course in Fushat and Egyptian dialect and both teachers werde very kind and took our lessions serious.
I'am very happy with the choice of the school because I learned a lot. I made progress in reading, pronounciation and speaking.
It was also beautiful because the whole team of the school was very welcoming and during the week-ends they organised trips, presentations and events that you could join if you wanted.
I recommend the school with all my heart.
Every person in Ahlan Alexandria was very friendly and helpful. If you had questions, they all took their time to answer these without any pressure. My teacher could answer any question regarding Fusha or the Egyptian dialect I had, perfectly in English. That was possible due to the fact that my teacher studied Arabic literature and obtained a Master's degree in it. Needless to say that I was supervised by an expert, who helped me prepare well for my final exams in university.
The location of the school is amazing, cause it is only a few steps away from the sea. The area itself is a safe area too and some tourists end up nearby as well to drink in the many cafés. The school has several classrooms, a reception and a kitchen, where you can drink tea. Some classrooms even have a balcony on which you can have a seat.
Once every two to three weeks, the principal of the school organized activities for us students to gather, have a trip to Cairo or the surrounding of Alexandria or we mostly went to restaurants in Alexandria to eat and talk.
The apartment had three rooms for three students, so each of us had a single-room. We shared the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room and the balcony. The kitchen had some dishes, pans and pots, as well as a gas stove and a washing machine. It had most of the basics and therefore I was mostly concerned with buying food only. My room had a big bed, a window, a cabinet and a night stand, which was sufficient as I could put all my stuff and clothes in it. My room was around 10 square meters big. The living room had a small TV. The housing was in an area that had many foreign representations and culture centers. In my case, it wasn't far from the sea either. The supermarket was only 5 minutes away by walking.
What I liked most were my lessons with my teacher, as I was in great need for a professional preparation of my final exams in university. Furthermore, the location of the housing was in a great area and the tram line was right around the corner.
the location is center of the city. my teacher was willing to teach what i wanted to know about arabic. free wifi isi very useful.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Everything was great from start to finish.
The staff and administration are amazing. The Institute feels like one big family, so it's like being at home...
You are provided the support that you need and you can study at your own pace with highly qualified teachers who have deep knowledge of the Arabic language, alongside a good grasp of the English Language.
I would highly recommend Ahlan Institute to all learners of the Arabic language.
I took 5 weeks of MSA classes. Upon my arrival I could not take the workshop as I was the only student in this course. The school rapidly offered for me to take additional dialect classes to reach the 5 hours daily originally requested. This flexibility was great, I was also thinking of finishing the course early and again the school was helpful and said I could take the last classes as credit (either for another visit to Alex or online). This is a real strength of the school.
The teachers were great, supportive, creative and flexible and in 5 weeks I have seen a huge improvement on my ability to communicate, speak clearly and be able to read and write.
Thank you Ahlan!!
Wonderful classes, comfortable and full of colors. The director was really understanding. She were always listening, helping and friendly.
The school invited me to celebrate Aïd Day, together. It was a sweet moment with all the teachers and students.
My two teachers were both, with two different way of teaching, really interesting during the classes.
I never felt the time passed during the courses. All the lessons were attractive.
It was a really great experience and I already planned to be back there, to study in 3 months.
In a hurry to seat in that school again.
I had a really good experience at Ahlan Alexandria, and it ended up exceeding my expectations. In very few days I felt like everyone at school and in the accommodation was my family.
When we arrived it was a bit chaotic because our flight got in late, so we got there in the middle of the night and we had classes the next day. The accommodation was right next to the school though, so it was easy to find the next morning. Living at the accommodation was great, mostly because of the people. Everyone was friendly and wanted to hang out, and it felt like we were our own little community. The rooms were fine too, although the kitchen was a bit small, and there always seemed to be something broken in the bathroom. However, these were just little details and in my daily life I didn't notice them much.
The classes were also very good, we were only three people in my class, which I think was a very good size. The teachers were also excellent, and I learned more than I had hoped to in 3 weeks. Furthermore, the school arranged activities and planned weekend trips to different locations in Egypt upon request. I felt very welcome at all times, and everyone always did their best to help no matter what the problem. I would recommend this school to anyone looking to spend time in Egypt, Alexandria also being a fresh breath of air compared to Cairo.
If it weren't for the pandemic outbreak, I definitely would have considered staying longer than 3 weeks.
I really enjoyed my classes with two different teachers; both of them were professional and very friendly. I had the feeling that I could ask them everything at any time. The school itself is perfectly located (downtown, close to the sea) and just a two minutes walk from the housing. The school offered several activities, which I greatly appreciated. You had the feeling that you could Always reach someone if there were any problems. Regarding the housing I would like to see more pictures on the website, so that one can get a better impression.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...As the class was small, I felt free to ask questions and teachers are knowledgeable. Students studying there are highly motivated so I got a lot of stimulation. Since the school is in the city near the Alexandria station and a tram station, it was easy for us to go to another place. Buses are also available on the street, which is really useful and cheap. The best thing in Alexandria is about people there. They are so friendly that I talked a lot with them and it was a good practice of speaking Arabic.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...The teachers are great - special thanks to my teacher Sallam. The school is well located, near the sea (2 minutes away).
I stayed at Locanda New Hotel which is located at a ~3-minute walk from the school.
Activities were organized throughout the week by the teachers (e.g. Sallam invited a Sufi singer who performed at the school, and Mohamed organised small tours in noticeable places of Alexandria).
At the beginning I had one to one classes because there weren't many students although I didn't pay for it. But since one to one classes are very intensive I was happy when I had lesson together with other students. I had two classes with two different teachers. My level was between intermediate and advanced I. I studied with two books of modern Standard Arabic. The books contained reading, grammar, listening comprehension and free discussions. My teachers tried to train me in every of those disciplines. One of my teacher could speak a good English while the other one explained everything to me in Arabic which was very helpful because I had no chance to speak English at all. The grammar book contained English explanations which was also a help. My school was only 2 minutes from the hotel that I had booked together with the package. The name of the hotel was "New Hotel Locanda" and it was a very nice place where I met a lot of nice people from Europe and North America. The hotel only hosted foreign students. The school has 6 rooms and one kitchen and two toilets. There is air condition and also tea and sometimes coffee for the students and teachers. The hotel didn't have air condition but even though the weather was hot, the temperature in the hotel wasn't that hot. And there was also a fan. The school offered different types of activities like lectures about culture and religion but also trips to other places as Siwa or Fayyum. But we also went to restaurants together. The only thing that didn't work out very well all the time, was that the internet was weak sometimes. Especially at the end of the month. But that was ok to me since we were so many people at the hotel. The hotel has a nice kitchen with a cooking place, fridge and washing machine. I Was very happy about the location of the hotel since it was only a few meters away from the sea and school. So we always had fresh air from the sea. The Management of the school used to ask weather we have wishes and weather we are happy with the lessons. The teachers were very friendly and welcoming. Of course there were also some things that were different as in Europe, but the procedures at school were all in all satisfying in my point of view. At the end I got my certificate and I returned to Germany with a lot of experience and new impressions.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Everything was fine. The location of the school is perfect, just in the middle of the city and close to the corniche (shore). The staff is always looking for the best service for you.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...The staff and everyone are very welcoming and the school have great teachers. I took one on one classes in Aamiya and I found that the lessons were really relaxed and helpful. The location is great as it's right next to where I live so everything was convenient. I am already a student in Alexandria and just needed extra help for speaking lessons as I needed more practice. Really good school in a lovely location with very helpful staff who are all young and fun!
Voir les détails » Lire plus...The school was very nice because it was not a "real serious school" but more a comfortable area where we could learn and spend time. My teacher (Dr. Saber) was very good and I learned a lot.
About the accommodation, I was in the Saint Catherine convent. The rooms were nice and big, but it was very cold. Another little annoying thing was breakfast: we had everyday the exact same breakfast. It was good at the beginning but at the end we could not eat it anymore. The last negative point about the convent was the curfew. We had to be back at 11 pm every night, which is not cool when you want to see friends, knowing that life in Egypt starts later in the day than here, in Belgium. Otherwise, the people working in the convent were friendly and we were secured. The location of the convent was also perfect because it was extremely close to the school. The school was also well situated because the sea is very close to it.
I attended three activities organised by the school: we went in a Berber restaurant, we had a calligraphy class and we had an international lunch. I was a bit disappointed by the calligraphy class because we did not really learn how to make the calligraphy. However, the international lunch and the Berber restaurant were perfect.
I had only booked the school, my accommodation was privately chosen.
Ahlan Egypt school in Alexandria offered great and experienced teachers, who have a wide range in experiences and teaching tools. The lectures had been adjusted to my needs. The atmosphere was open-minded and international. It was great also to meet other students. The cultural program and the hospitality were impressive. The team of Ahlan Egypt took a lot of care of their students. The cultural tours had offered a lot of theories and information. We had been also been asked and contacted daily whether we are interested in activities and what we want to see or to do.
Altogether a great school with very professional teachers and amazing hospitality.
Ahlan School is a great place where everybody can practice Arabic. Teachers are really highly qualified. All the people who work in Ahlan School are very nice and always helpful in every situation. I didn't use the housing offered by the school. If I could take the course again, I would.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Les résidences d'étudiants sont plus convenables pour un étudiant indépendant, qui recherche un logement propre et simple à un prix économique. Sauf exceptions notés, tous les étudiants doivent avoir 18 - 100. Sauf exceptions notés, votre logement commence le dimanche avant votre premier jour de classes et termine le samedi après votre dernier jour de classes. Les résidences ne prévoient pas de formule repas. En savoir plus sur les résidences d'étudiants
Ahlan Students House (LOCANDA) - double shared room - No meals
Ahlan Students House (LOCANDA) Single-person room
Vous avez la possibilité de louer un appartement durant vos études à Alexandrie, mais ceci est plus coûteux. Ahlan Alexandria peut vous donner des conseils pour trouver un appartement. Sinon, vous pouvez faire votre propre recherche.
Shared apartment - Single-person room - No meals
Nous ne pouvons pas faire de demande de visa au nom des étudiants. Cependant, l'école peut vous fournir tous les documents dont vous avez besoin pour préparer votre demande.
Votre lettre d'acceptation sera envoyée à votre domicile par la poste sans frais.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Alexandrie based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Etudiez a l'étranger sans souci avec notre assurance maladie et voyage. Lorsque vous réservez un cours avec nous, vous pouvez opter pour l'achat d'une assurance internationale qui couvre non seulement le coût des soins de santé, mais aussi la perte de vos affairs personnels. Vous devez réserver votre assurance à l'avance lorsque vous vous inscrivez.
Questions? Notre personnel ainsi que les anciens étudiants de Ahlan Alexandria y répondent.
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