Intercultura Costa Rica - Samara Beachfront Campus
Del Hostel La Aldea, turn left towards the beach, we are the beachfront building on the left, Sámara, Guanacaste 50205, Costa Rica
Intercultura Costa Rica - Samara Beachfront Campus
Fr. 28 discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks until 19 Dec 2025 Show details »
Préparez-vous pour le collège, acquérez de l'indépendance
et des compétences essentielles. Des standards académiques excellents
et une immersion culturelle sont garanties!
Conçu pour les étudiants âgés de 13 à 18 ans.
prix de départ pour 1 semaine $780 tout inclus
Quelle est la principale différence entre ces deux programmes: 2-semaines de Camp d'Été vs. 1-semaine + Programme d'Immersion Académique?
Dans les deux programmes, nous nous assurons que les adolescents reçoivent une immersion linguistique et culturelle complète, avec des cours interactifs et dynamiques, pédagogiquement adaptés au groupe d'âge. Dans les deux programmes, les adolescents habitent avec nos familles d'accueil de confiance.
Cependant, le 2-semaines de Camp d'Été met principalement l'accent sur la découverte du Costa Rica dans un programme amusant, dynamique et socialement conscient, qui comprend deux excursions de bénévolat, un à chaque campus, de nombreuses activités quotidiennes et une excursion de week-end. Le camp pour adolescent est généralement constitué d'un plus grand groupe, 10-15 ados, qui passent beaucoup de temps ensemble, ce qui rend le programme moins personnalisé aux besoins de chaque individu, mais qui garantira beaucoup de plaisir et d'Aventure tout au long de leur séjour.
L'Immersion Académique pour adolescents, d'autre part, se concentre sur un programme intensif d'apprentissage de l'espagnol avec des normes académiques rigoureuses pour des cours individuels ou de petits groupes. C'est une option qui est plus économique et qui est offerte toute l'année pour ceux qui recherchent un programme personalisé d'Espagnol et de Famille d'Accueil pour les étudiants du primaire ou du secondaire. L'adolescent fera aussi du bénévolat deux fois par semaine et participera à nos activités culturelles quotidiennes offertes à tous les élèves. Il y a aussi d'inclu à chaque semaine une visite culturelle. En général, les parents choisissent ce programme s'ils veulent que leurs enfants soient complètement immergés tout en gardant certains objectifs académiques à l'esprit. Les adolescents peuvent venir individuellement, ou les parents peuvent former leurs propres mini-groupes. Nous sommes en mesure de personnaliser entièrement le programme, selon les besoins du groupe (max. 6 ados par groupe). Les adolescents peuvent prendre part au programme pendant une semaine ou plus, selon leur choix.
Alors que le camp d'été est réparti entre les deux campus -de ville et de plage-, le programme d'immersion académique est disponible uniquement à notre campus de ville.
Écouter, parler, prononciation, lecture, rédaction, vocabulaire, grammaire et activités
Intercultura Spanish Schools ne prévoit pas de cours durant des jours fériés indiqués ci-dessus. L'école n'offre pas de remboursement pour ces jours manqués donc faîtes attention en choississant vos dates de voyage.
You can choose from the following class times:
L'emploi du temps du cours peut changer selon la disponibilité et la saison.
Moyenne | 3 étudiants |
Maximum | 6 étudiants |
Tranche d'âge | 14 - 17 ans |
Moyenne | 16 ans |
Apprenez l'espagnol sur notre beau campus situé en face de la plage à Samara Guanacaste, conçu sur mesure pour les étudiants, où seul le sable vous sépare de l'eau chaude de l'océan.
Les cours d'espagnol sont donnés dans des classes modernes, climatisées, et dotées d'une vue sur l'océan, constituant un endroit idéal pour apprendre l'espagnol sur la plage. À l'occasion, les enseignants donnent leur cours ou font la conversation à l'extérieur dans notre ranch, dans nos jardins ou sur la plage à l'ombre sous les palmiers. Nos installations fournissent aux étudiants un accès gratuit au WiFi, des ordinateurs avec Internet, des jardins tropicaux qui mènent directement sur le sable de la plage (les élèves ont le temps pour une petite trempette dans l’océan pendant leur pause!). De plus, nous avons des zones étudiantes pour socialiser et étudier, un ranch, une cuisine, des hamacs, un salon et une douche extérieure.
Samara est un paradis tropical caché sur la côte pacifique de Guanacaste qui bénéficie d’un superbe récif corail et de kilomètres de plage de sable intacte. La longue plage de 5 km, bordée de palmiers, est l’endroit idéal pour faire du Surf, du Kayak ainsi que pour se baigner en toute sécurité. Située dans la baie, Samara détient une petite île nommée "Isla Chora" qui a désertée la plage et qui est accessible en kayak et en bateau. Malgré sa petite taille, cette ville typiquement « Tica » a tout ce dont vous aurez besoin –supermarchés, pharmacies, nombreux restaurants, magasins, hôtels, banques, bureau de poste, clinique médicale, salle de sport, café internet, galerie d’art locale, vie nocturne, etc. Pour plus d’informations sur la ville et sur la plage, veuillez consulter Guide de Voyage Revista del Sol ou au
Notre campus sur la plage offre un aperçu de la vie rurale au Costa Rica qui est très différente de la vie urbaine. En raison de la petite taille de la ville, les étudiants viennent rapidement à connaître la population locale et se sentent vite à l'aise dans ce « pueblo » chaleureux et accueillant. Bars sur la plage, restaurants, écoles de surf, magasins et le centre-ville lui-même sont tous à courte distance ou seulement à quelques pas les uns des autres. En plus de la belle plage, les étudiants peuvent visiter Nicoya, la capitale coloniale de la région ou les zones indigènes là où la céramique et l'art traditionnel fleurissent encore.
Intercultura Spanish Schools has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Costa Rica. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Le mélange d'âge et de nationalité à Intercultura Costa Rica - Samara Beachfront Campus varie selon la periode de l'année, les cours et les niveaux différent. Pendant l'année, la moyenne d'âge est de 16 ans. Pendant l'été, la moyenne d'âge est de 16 ans.
Intercultura Spanish Schools a des étudiants du monde entier, dont:
Intercultura Spanish Schools ne prévoit pas de cours durant des jours fériés indiqués ci-dessous. L'école n'offre pas de remboursement pour ces jours manqués donc faîtes attention en choississant vos dates de voyage.
Samara est un paradis tropical caché sur la côte pacifique de Guanacaste qui bénéficie d’un superbe récif corail et de kilomètres de plage de sable intacte. La longue plage de 5 km, bordée de palmiers, est l’endroit idéal pour faire du Surf, du Kayak ainsi que pour se baigner en toute sécurité. Située dans la baie, Samara détient une petite île nommée "Isla Chora" qui a désertée la plage et qui est accessible en kayak et en bateau. Malgré sa petite taille, cette ville typiquement « Tica » a tout ce dont vous aurez besoin –supermarchés, pharmacies, nombreux restaurants, magasins, hôtels, banques, bureau de poste, clinique médicale, salle de sport, café internet, galerie d’art locale, vie nocturne, etc. Pour plus d’informations sur la ville et sur la plage, veuillez consulter Guide de Voyage Revista del Sol ou au
Notre campus sur la plage offre un aperçu de la vie rurale au Costa Rica qui est très différente de la vie urbaine. En raison de la petite taille de la ville, les étudiants viennent rapidement à connaître la population locale et se sentent vite à l'aise dans ce « pueblo » chaleureux et accueillant. Bars sur la plage, restaurants, écoles de surf, magasins et le centre-ville lui-même sont tous à courtes distances de marche ou seulement à quelques pas les uns des autres. En plus de la belle plage, les étudiants peuvent visiter Nicoya, la capitale coloniale de la région ou les zones indigènes là où la céramique et l'art traditionnel fleurissent encore.
The school is amazing. The professors and the staff were extremely helpful, and I very much enjoyed my experience.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I spent two weeks learning Spanish at the Intercultura school in Sámara. It was both the most amazing learning experience and vacation experience I have had. I was looking for an immersive program to jump start my Spanish learning. I found the classes to be rigorous and engaging. The instructors were personable and professional. They challenged me to speak, study, and think in Spanish while building my confidence.
By the end of the second week, I felt confident enough to converse with local shop owners and waiters. My only regret is not staying an additional week! I so enjoyed the planned activities the school coordinated. They helped build camaraderie with other students, soak in the culture of the country, and offered an inclusive way to just have fun.
Since my return home, I have used my new found cooking knowledge to prepare fun meals for my family while we relive our experiences and practice our Spanish around the dinner table. I did not utilize the on-campus housing facilities, so I cannot speak to those, but the classrooms, school as a whole, and certainly the location were all stellar. In short, I loved my time at Intercultura and will return many times over!
I was very impressed with everything about how this school is run. We decided to stay an extra week in Samara after touring the school and loving the staff we met and the campus on the beach. Our experience once we started classes, exceeded our expectations of what school would be like. Every part of the day was well planned out and even on our breaks, we were speaking Spanish and meeting other students from around the world. My teacher (Nelson) was so kind, knowledgable, and professional. Not only did he teach in a very hands on and interactive way, he also shared information about cultural events taking place while we were there and provided resources in the community that were available to visitors to enhance our experience there and our Spanish speaking skills.
The school also provided after school hours activities for students including yoga, cooking classes, dance classes and excursions. I wish I could have stayed longer!
I truly leaned the specific material in Spanish which I always wanted to learn to make clear within 1 week. When I took the oral exam with the stuff, she was able to detect what I have been missing immediately, and she placed me at the exact class! The class was small (2 students with 1 teacher), and we fully enjoyed every class, every day! The teacher Iris was super excellent at explaining the grammar. For me, it was the best of best learning experience in any other Spanish schools ( I have been to 15+ Spanish schools all over the world).
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I really enjoyed the teachers and the classes. I initially thought my one on one evaluation put me in a level that was mostly review for me however by the third day I felt like I was being more challenged. I felt like it was good to be at a level of review to be able to more comfortably gain more speaking confidence. The second week I was definitely challenged and felt at the correct level with my classmates. Having two different teachers was a challenge as well as I adapted to their teaching styles and way of speaking.
The location of the school was fantastic and the facilities gave us the opportunity to spend time on campus in the shade on the hot afternoons (too hot to be in my homestay with no a/c). It was nice to have lockers, outdoor showers and the like to be able to head to the beach from school as well. The school was very close to everything in the town and to the restaurants, especially those on the beach near us. I enjoyed the cooking class but did not enjoy the Latin dance class. I felt the dance teacher covered too many individual dances in a row without giving us an opportunity to really try them with the music until the very end. I would recommend showing a couple of the dances, then trying them with the music before showing more dances. I enjoyed the water biking/snorkel trip offered thru the school. I also went on other tours with friends that we booked with tour companies near the school.
When I arrived Liberia I was nervous that I was not given the number of the taxi driver in advance but he was there waiting for me with my name on a sign so all was good. When he dropped me at my home stay in Sámara, I was met by my house mom, Jenarina. She did not speak English to me at all and that was a little intimidating at first. She showed me to my room, then told me to come downstairs in thirty minutes to eat the dinner she was making for me. I asked her for the wifi password half way through dinner and she told me she would give it to me after dinner. I was hoping to be able to use google translate to speak with her more at that point but no. The next morning she made me breakfast and then walked me to the school, which I really appreciated. She ran her building of four students (whom I eventually met) pretty much like a business. She was there to make our breakfasts and dinners and to offer to clean our clothes and rooms once per week. I did not feel like she really wanted to get to know any of us. I adjusted to this and tried to be respectful to let her know in advance if I was not going to be available at a meal. I didn't mind the minimal accommodations because this is what I expected. Jenarina made sure everything was very clean and the meals she made were very good and plentiful. I was glad there were three other students to share this experience with.
In the future, I hope to return to the school to continue my education. I will most likely look for more comfortable accommodations however I am very glad I signed up for the homestay for my first immersion experience.
The instruction was well matched to my level and was engaging and effective. Another week would have been perfect. The campus and building are exceptional and beautiful. The home stay was the weak link for me as the (very nice!) family did not eat meals together and were very TV focused while I ate alone. I also found the many German speaking students to be rather cliquish and reserved offering little eye contact or friendly conversation. There were exceptions of course. All in all it was a very positive experience I would highly recommend!
Voir les détails » Lire plus...The location is idyllic, and provides a great base of operations for beach time. In addition, the school functions in many ways like a hostel; the staff helping to facilitate trips and activities, and as a good place to find adventure buddies. I enjoyed the laid back atmosphere, and found the instructors to be very invested, competent, and friendly. My Homestay also went very well, with my ‘mama tica’ being easygoing, and an excellent chef. I think it would be difficult to find a better beachfront Spanish school.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Les élèves sont regroupés de façon homogène.
Les groupes varient de 6 élèves à 2. ´
Les activités sont dynamiques et adaptées aux objectifs pédagogiques.
Les professeurs sont très compétents et encouragent beaucoup les apprenants.
Le système informatique et interactif dans chaque classe est très utile.
Air conditionné dans chaque local très apprécié.
Pas de commentaires au sujet de la famille ou des activités. Je vivais seule.
La situation de l’ecole Est parfaite: au centre de tout et sur le bord de la mer.
C’est mon deuxième séjour à Samara.
Je n’ai pas aimé apprendre que j’avaIs payé plus cher par votre entremise et que vos propositions de prix étaient beaucoup plus élevées que sur place. Ex: un transport pour l’aéroport coûte $40.00 et non pas $140.00.
Les cours étaient moins cher que ce que j’ai payé, et il y avait possibilité d’etudIer une semaine si on le désirait.
J’aImerais que vous me remboursiez la portion de cours que j’ai payée en trop.
Je sais que vous calculez en $ canadiens et eux en $ américains .
Merci de votre attention et aussi de la qualité de votre service.
The school was very well located. Teachers are great. I really enjoyed my classes at intercultura.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I was very impressed with the Intercultura program. On my first day, I had a brief intake conversation with one of the instructors and I was pleased with the class I was put in. I attended classes for three weeks and had two different instructors. They were both very good. We had 6 students in one class, 5 in another and only two students my last week, which was great. The classroom facilities were a little small, but air conditioned and thus very comfortable. The “smart boards” used by the instructors were very useful. The school was very accommodating to me as I have a back problem and was unable to climb the stairs to the second floor. Each week they assigned me to the appropriate class for my level on the ground floor. The campus is in a beautiful location and very comfortable. Although I was significantly older than the rest of the students, I felt very comfortable as if I belonged. I didn’t take part in the Homestay program, nor the various tours that were offered. All in all, I felt the Intercultura program is excellent and I improved my Spanish significantly. I forgot to mention how useful, cooperative and friendly the administrative staff were.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Spending four weeks in Samara was a great experience. I lived with a hosting family and that helped me a lot in practicing my Spanish; it's also a great opportunity to learn traditions and cultural aspects of Costa Rica.
The campus is front of the beach and the staff is very nice. I had a different professor every week, so I could experience different way of teaching. Four hours a day are enough to learn and at the same time take advantage of the different activities organized by the school: cooking, dancing and yoga classes, tours, etc...
I would definitely spend more time there!!
L’école intercultura à Samara est vraiment un trésor, l’endroit est merveilleux, l’équipe est géniale, l’ambiance et les services sont extraordinaires. La seule chose que je regret c’est que je n’ai pas connus cet endroit 40 ans par avant. Je recommande à tout jeune d’aller là et profiter pleinement de cet endroit merveilleux. Merci à toute l’équipe d’intercultura à Samara
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I learnt a lot in my classes so I am grateful to the teachers and secretaries. I'd like to come back to Samara again. What I didn't like was that in my 3rd week, one of the new students from USA kept talking and interrupting other classmates but the teacher couldn't control the class.
Furthermore the trip to Nicoya was badly organised. As we left Samara at 2pm, we had to wait for 2-3 hours in the hot town for the horse procession. Some of us were forced to take a local bus to get back to Samara, for the bus arranged was scheduled at 10:30pm.
I felt comfortable from the time the local family picked me up from the bus Depot. They treated me like family. The school was the same. They laid the information out in simple and comprehensive manner. Then quick to help with any questions. I wish I had been in assigned in a higher level class as I didn't get the lessons about tenses and familiar expressions I was hoping for. I also would have liked more classes on the last day as I am more concerned about learning than graduating. Nothing could be improved: the location, facilities, teachers or housing. They were perfect
Voir les détails » Lire plus...The classroom was too small. However the teacher was very good, nice location and the facilities were also good.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I liked the school very much. It had a very friendly atmosphere. The staff was always ready to help you when you had questions. It was very good that we were only allowed to speak Spanish within the school area. I was alone in my group with a very good teacher.
The location of the school was fantastic as it was beside the beach. I liked to buy food or coffee for lunch from the private persons outside the school area.
The housing was very good; it was perhaps a little far away but we rented bicycles from the family. I would have liked that the housewife discussed more with us. She was very friendly and always joined us at the meals but she was not so talkative.
I cannot remember anything that I did not like.
First off, the administrative/customer service staff did a wonderful job in facilitating our arrival, arranging an appropriate homestay, and providing referrals for educational opportunities for our kids. They were likewise responsive to our questions and needs during our stay. Throughout, the facilities staff maintained the campus beautifully; it was always a pleasure to spend time there, both in and out of class. We participated in several weekend excursions that were well organized and informative. Finally, the teachers were top notch throughout my six weeks of study, using a variety teaching materials that were level-appropriate and relevant to my stay in Costa Rica.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...The school was much more organized than I thought. Everything was very clear from the moment I arrived. Julio was my teacher and he was fantastic. The classes were interesting, informative, and super fun. I didn't think that classes would be so incredibly enjoyable! I was in a class with two other students, and it was a perfect size. I was extremely pleased with the pace and the quality of instruction. You couldn't have asked for a better location. The facilities were in tip-top shape, and I really appreciated the coffee! It would have been nice if yoga was offered at other times during the day, so that it didn't always interfere with class times. My experience at my homestay also exceeded my expectations. Marilyn Gutierrez was incredibly welcoming, and we really connected! She brought me to Playa Carillo and we went dancing together too. It was much more than most homestays would offer.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Maybe it was just that Samara wasn't for me, but I unfortunately did not enjoy my trip and even left early - after just 2 weeks (I was supposed to stay for 4 weeks). The language school was not very well organized. They charged me the pickup from the airport again. I got it back later, but those things shouldn't happen, because after I arrived at my homestay the driver came back to pick me up so he could take me to the bank where I had to get money. Other students I talked to were not happy with the school either. One in particular was not happy because she didn't let a girl change her homestay when she got scared at night in the room she got because the room was completely isolated from the rest of the house.
The school put me in a class that was too easy for me in the first week. Yes, I could have changed the class, but sadly I only found out after they read my feedback after the first week when a woman who worked in the school talked to me saying that I could have changed. The reason why I did not even ask was that another woman on the orientation day told us that we cannot change the classes in the first week, which again shows how badly organized this school is.
I did not feel very welcome at my host family's either, so for my second weekend, I travelled somewhere else and was thinking about travelling around for the rest of the time left in Costa Rica so I wouldn't have to stay with (or "disturb") my host family, but it would have been too stressful and expensive, and I did not expect this.. So I decided to leave the country early.
Thank you for taking time to review us, and we are so sorry to year you didn´t have a positive experience at our school. In looking at your review, we noticed some misunderstandings that are worth clearing up: All our students can change their class level in the first two days of classes, as we explain during orientation on Mondays. If a student feels that he/ she is not placed in the right level, we advise him/ her to talk to his/ her teacher or the staff in the reception on the same day in order to re-evaluate his/ her level. In that way our Spanish coordinator is able to make changes and switch the student to a different level. The misunderstanding might arise from the fact that we are not able to make changes in order to be in the same class with a friend in the first week if we weren´t informed about them before their arrival, but we do arrange it for the following week. Normally, if we receive a reservation from students travelling together we always try to put them in the same schedule, to assure they can spend the rest of the day together.
About your homestay comment, we would like to let you know that your host mother did call us because she was worried seeing that you didn´t feel comfortable with her. Because of the language barrier she asked us what she could do to make you feel better and if you would prefer something different to eat. When we asked, you told us everything was fine, which made it difficult for us to help in this situation.
We hope your experience doesn´t discourage you from travelling and studying abroad elsewhere, and if you would ever like to return to Costa Rica we will make sure you have an excellent experience your next time around.
Not too big (maximum 6 people - it's great).
The quality of the teachers is different. but there are a lot of very good teachers. It changes every week; that's great.
The best location to learn! On the beach, only a few people, sunny every day (January to March).
It's really nice. You have the choice to dance, cook, do Zumba and a lot more.
it was a very good experience to live in a house of a "tica" mom. the eat was very good every day
I had a great time in Samara and at the language school. They take it seriously, which is good. The campus next to the beach is fantastic. Thanks to everyone.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I absolutely loved the campus; it was beautiful, peaceful, and very conducive to learning. I took the Derechos Humanos course with one other student and really enjoyed the course. I thought it was a good work load for the time that I had there. My one criticism is the timing of breaks in the classroom. In the Intercultura campus in Heredia, we had two, 15 minute breaks rather than one, 20 minute break. I felt this was better because overall I had more focus during the time which I was in the classroom. Sometimes two hours of talking consistently in such a small class got very tiring, and breaks were much needed. I would consider switching to having two 15 minute breaks throughout the 4 hour course period. Overall, this week was one of the greatest experiences of my life, thank you for everything!
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I would have to say that this has been my best experience so far in a foreign country. Going to the Intercultura Samara Langauge School has made me more confident to speak Spanish to other people. The teachers are great and they help you understand anything that you have a problem with. I also liked the small class sizes because I feel that we got more one-on-one attention if it was needed. The school is in a great location right on the beach and I loved the walk to the school every day as I got to have a nice 5 minute walk on the the beach to get there. The school also has great common areas around to sit and chat with others. I just wish I was able to stay longer than one week because I went with my school in the USA. You learn the awesome culture of Costa Rica through this program. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn Spanish.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...I really appreciated the commitment to speak Spanish only as the common language on most of the school grounds. I was also impressed that the majority of students respected this mantra; it is a key to gaining confidence in my skills of speaking and practicing Spanish.
The friendly, yet structured program really encourages learning and studying.
I lived at a friend's so I did not live within a family setting.
I liked a little less the schedule of morning/afternoon alternating schedule because I lived far away and by the time I got home and studied, it was bedtime and class time soon after; not such a big problem, however.
I learned soooo much and really appreciated Nelsy's capacity to adjust to our unconventional group.
I am looking forward to registering for Feb 2015!
I had a wonderful experience and was particularly appreciative of the assistance provided by Angelica prior to arrival.
Voir les détails » Lire plus...Nous ne pouvons pas faire de demande de visa au nom des étudiants.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Sámara based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Etudiez a l'étranger sans souci avec notre assurance maladie et voyage. Lorsque vous réservez un cours avec nous, vous pouvez opter pour l'achat d'une assurance internationale qui couvre non seulement le coût des soins de santé, mais aussi la perte de vos affairs personnels. Vous devez réserver votre assurance à l'avance lorsque vous vous inscrivez.
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